Tuesday 3 February 2015

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

What was also very important within out genre is the costumes. The costume and the look that we went for, wasn't the conventional pop style, we went for a more urban and alternative style that fits in with our genre of alternative pop or indie pop. The costumes that can be seen in the music video are baggy 'mum' jeans, with a crop top and checkered shirt around the waist, either with a denim jacket or jumper. You can also see high waisted skinny jeans as well. All these clothing choices link to the genre as this style is very fashionable and also very expressive. And these are characteristics that we wanted our artist to portray to our audience. We went for a contrasting costume style for the church girl. For the church girl she was wearing a smart shirt, with a skirt and cardigan with boot. This is very formal wear and is very respectful and appropriate to what you would expect people to wear when attending a church ceremony. Having these two costumes choices contrast each other helps to enhance and clearly show the narrative of the music video which is evidently seen in the ancillary tasks as well.

Having the costumes show the narrative is a common pop convention, for example Katy perry as a Greek Goddess. In many pop music videos they are telling a story of some sort, even though we have used this convention we have developed it by not using the pop style of clothing, as it doesn't suit our genre therefore changing the style makes it appropriate to the music video. 


Tuesday 27 January 2015

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

This is our answer to: 
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

(There is a slight gap at the end of the video - this was initially put as a place holder but was left empty, and when exporting it wasn't taken out)

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

This is our answer to: 
How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks?

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

These two videos are answering this question. We chose to under go two videos due to the fact that it would be a better flow in terms of our answer and explanation.



Friday 23 January 2015

Farewell practical post


Progress Post: Creation of the audience feedback evaluation repsonse

Audience Feedback Response Video 

Below is the creation and progress of one of our answers for the evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback.
We have used examples from our music video to display what they are talking about and demonstrate what aspects they like/dislike. Most of our feedback was positive, so this is helpful to show the feedback in more detail.

We also used use of key frames for the same reason, this is helpful as it is able to show the specific details that they are talking about - this has also made our video more technical and professional instead of just using a simple image of the track lists.

This is the final layout of our video, we have used lots of different shots and texts to cut to and from which has helped us to show our feedback in more detail and make a more technical video.

We used other techniques such as video and audio fades/gains to make the video run smoother and look more professional, as shown below.

At the end of the video, we have added in our responses to the music video, and here we discuss the positive/negative responses and whether this is beneficial for us or not.

Monday 19 January 2015

Progress: evaluation prep

Evaluation Prep and Start

Today and in our recent lessons we have been planning for our evaluation and taking some of the footage that we are going to use within this. We were able to get a group of people in our target market age range to give feedback on our music video and ancillary tasks to help us to answer the audience feedback reflection question - and we have finished the edit for this today: 

We feel that this has gone really well as we got a range of feedback from people with different preferences and interests, which means that we have a wide range of individual feedback to reflect and work on. This feedback was also really positive for us as many of the people understood the narrative and appreciated the shots, themes, editing techniques etc from all of our music video and ancillary tasks.